WP Theme "MDAGM" released
This is the release of my first Wordpress theme: “Modernpaper Dark And Green Mod”. As already mentioned, it’s based on “Modernpaper 1.0” by Performancing, so most of the credit goes to them.
This is what I did:
- changed colors and fonts in css file
- minor style modifications in css file
- added support for tags (Wordpress >= 2.3 required)
- added tag cloud to right sidebar
The original theme and of course my modification is released under GPL.
If you like to convert an existing “Modernpaper 1.0” to “MDAGM” just overwrite your previous “style.css” (create a backup first!) with the modified version.
Here’s a screenshot (just in case I change my website’s theme again ;-) ):
Download “MDAGM WP Theme 1.01” (md5sum: facfe196b5ba97f7db2cad0263989796
This post is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by the author.